- Microcontroller-based hardware. The microcontroller is one the most significant inventions of recent history, and is found in virtually all electronic products and systems. Microcontroller implementation is core to our expertise, taking full advantage in each product of the power that a programmable microcontroller can bring to the end product. We utilize everything from tiny 8-pin micros to large 32 bit devices and system-on-a-module. We are most familiar with all PIC series processors but are comfortable using any micro on the market according to the need.
- Power Management. We have experience in deploying various power supply configurations to meet the power requirements of a system, ranging from simple linear regulators, step-up and step-down switchmode power supplies, and low noise power supplies for sensitive electronics. We also understand AC power and line voltages, including 3-phase, GFCI, power switching large loads, etc.
- Analog to Digital Interface Circuitry. A great majority of controller design require some form of analog input. We have experience in the design and optimization of low frequency analog opamp circuits, comparator circuits, and other methods of translating something from the analog world into something easily read by the system microcontroller.
- Sensor Implementations and Interfaces. Sensors come in many flavors, from simple switch closures or variable resistance, to sensitive differential load cells, to I2C devices, to software driven mass-flow sensors where output and return signal are carefully timed and monitored.
- Battery Management and Charging. Radius has extensive experience in the design and implementation of various types of battery charging and management circuits. This includes circuits based on lithium-ion and lithium-polymer, sealed lead-acid, nickel metal hydride, and non-rechargable alkaline batteries. When combined with optimization of the hardware and firmware, power consumption can be minimized and battery life extended. Radius also has experience in development of custom lithium-polymer batteries, working with suppliers to develop batteries for specific requirements.
- Radio Module Deployment. We have experience in implementing various types of radio modules and most often find that use of a certified module is the most cost and time-effective approach to adding wireless communications to a product.
- Serial Interfaces. Most product require some sort of serial communication, whether it be strictly on-board or over hundreds of feet of wire. It may also be implemented as a wireless link using a radio module. Radius has worked extensively with RS485, I2C, and One Wire, and implemented systems for USB. Other protocols such as LIN-Bus and CAN can also be used.
- Mechanical and Plastic Design Oversight and Guidance. We can help create concepts for the mechanical design of a control device, and then guide and review the drawings. For example, we have experience in designing waterproof enclosures that include a waterproof LCD touch screen, and in designing medical blood mixing and weighing devices.
Transforming Concepts to Reality